
This toolkit is not meant to be used as an entire module on LGBT+ inclusive care. Each block could be used as part of your existing curriculum. The aim is to make the needs of LGBT+ older people, mainstream, blending into your every-day teaching and curriculum.

The BEING ME toolkit consists of 6 main blocks. Each block focuses on a particular topic and comes with a short introduction and purpose that sets out why it is considered important for inclusive LGBT+ care. It includes an introductory activity (eg. a roleplay, video, etc.), which you can use in your class as a teaching/learning strategy.

The blocks also contain a short theoretical background, practical tips on how to set up a specific learning activity (video's, role plays, games, poetry, case studies) and a keep on learning resource. You can use the online index to pick and choose the topic you are interested in. There is also the facility to download and print an entire block or the entire toolkit.
These downloads are also translated into Dutch and Slovenian.

You can download them here:
Dutch toolbox flag Toolbox - dutch
ZIP-file (5.31M)
Slovenski orodjarni Toolbox - slovenian
ZIP-file (23.15M)


Although each block provides some literature, activities and some practical tips on how to set up a learning activity they are not meant to be exhaustive in terms of theory or literature on the topic. You are encouraged to review the resources and adapt the materials, taking into account local cultural contexts and prior knowledge of the learners.

If you are a teacher, we recommend you to go through teacher's manual before you start using the materials with students.